ti89 program helpful to calculate position with stars (part 2)

quite unsatisfied by my last program on stars point, i have then done an another one with more accuracy. it includes a display menu with several stars, classified in constellation files. to write it i have used an astrophysics master file findable on the net (http://userpages.irap.omp.eu/jleborgne/astrometrie.pdf), but then i have considered all the corrections (precession, nutation, Bradley's aberration, parallax, refraction, skyline depression). to add a display menu i have used data on a webpage : https://openclassrooms.com/courses/creation-de-barres-de-menus-sur-ti89-92-et-v200.

If you want to add stars or constellations into the menu it's easy you just have to follow this useful tuto. to check if it works i have found a pdf which is called « exercices astro 2016-navigation astronomique ». it works for the exercice but it will be needful to test it in real one or two times in good conditions.

Here you have it, i guess and hope i have not let to much mistakes and bullshits when i have copied it (i have read it several times so it could be ok !) :

ba71793711a7254ea83a93dafaadb698-0 ba71793711a7254ea83a93dafaadb698-1 ba71793711a7254ea83a93dafaadb698-2 ba71793711a7254ea83a93dafaadb698-3 ba71793711a7254ea83a93dafaadb698-4 ba71793711a7254ea83a93dafaadb698-5 ba71793711a7254ea83a93dafaadb698-6 ba71793711a7254ea83a93dafaadb698-7 ba71793711a7254ea83a93dafaadb698-8 ba71793711a7254ea83a93dafaadb698-9 ba71793711a7254ea83a93dafaadb698-10

If it's not working well, don't hesitate to let me a little message!

PS:a website visitor has noticed two mistakes in the program above:

– local hour angle (variable ahl) : mod(tslo+xxx-lone,360)

– tslo (variable tslo) : gg / 36525 must be replaced by ((gg-h/24-m/1440-s/86400)-2451545)/36525

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